Sunday, March 7, 2010


I have not updated my blog in a while, so here I am. The past few days have been completely amazing!!! This weekend I was in two dodge ball competitions. I made some new friends at Marcus Whitman! This weekend also saw me eating taco bell twice, and drinking lots of soda! Now that it is time for outdoor I can not drink any soda. I also had a lot of fun in Wal Mart playing hide and seek with my Marcus Whitman friends. I also had a very fun day on Friday. I ate taco bell and then I went to a dodge ball tournament. Although out team was not the winner, we still had a lot of fun. Afterwards I went to a teammates house and I had a blast!
This coming week should be very fun! Tomorrow is the first "official" day of outdoor track and field. I will not be running until next week because my leg is still hurting. I am convinced that it will go away sometime soon. I am going to keep doing my core workouts. I have been building up a lot of muscle in my core during the off season which is going to be very helpful during outdoor.
This is just a small update, I am very tired and am headed off to bed!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Outdoor Track

So Outdoor starts next week. I do not have to go until the week after because of my break from indoor. I am very excited for this season. I feel like I can mature as a runner and drop my times by a large margin. I am hopeful that my injury will heal soon so that I can begin training again. I have been working on my upper body lately which I hope will make me a much stronger runner. I can keep a good pace but when the end of the race is near I always seem to be weak. Push ups, Pull Ups and Crunches are all examples of some of the work I have been doing. I also have a list of exercise exercises that will help me to strengthen other parts of my body so that there is not such a large imbalance of my muscles. I also plan to train very hard this season. I am convinced to reach my goals. I am sure that I can run a 10:30 two mile and a 4:50 mile. I hope that these times will drop throughout the season. I hope that our team can be a sectional championship team this year.
I am very excited to see how this season goes, and I will be posting about it on here.