Thursday, February 25, 2010


Today was a very intense day ! I was almost involved in a car accident and had a great day at school. I started my morning with my usual beverage. two teabags of green tea, a scoop of sugar and hot water in my mug! That is such a tasty drink. Physics came and there was a test which was quite easy. The rest of the school day just seemed to fly right by. When one o'clock hit I was excused from school. This started the next part of the day.

My mother was having me practice driving. It was smoothing sailing all the way to Lowes where we spent a long time looking at new fridges which was not fun at all. We then went to a few more stores. On the way home there was a very close call. I am very blessed to have not been injured or have a car with a large dent in it. Some dingbat for lack of a better term, thought it would be funny to turn left right in front of me at an intersection. Basically there were two lanes, I was in the left lane and he was in the right lane. We were at a stop light and when it hit green I scanned to make sure there was no one running the red light. I then started going through the intersection, and the guy who was on my right turns right into the front of my car. He was within meters of taking out the front bumper. After this he like hits the gas, then slams the brakes on right in front of me. A huge shot of adrenaline shot through my body like lightning striking down from the sky. I smashed on my brakes in response to this. At this point the guy was blocking the intersection. I feel very blessed to have come out of this without being hit anywhere. It was a perfect example of how if I was driving distracted I would not have noticed this danger and probably have a large number of repairs for the car. Even though I am not very religious, I know that there was a higher force that helped keep me safe.

There were some very interesting stories in todays news! Although there were no really high tech stories, I found a few other articles that were fun to read.
Until Later,
Garrett Black

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